Friday, July 31, 2015

A Blue Moon Prayer For All My Sisters

Beautiful orbed ruler of goddesses, I see you in all your silvery glory, ablaze in my soul. I bow down to you tonight letting go of all that has held me back. And gazing up at you with eyes innocent and bright I admire your fierce glow that radiates inside me. Raising my arms with heart thrown wide open, I welcome your magic. You are my loving earth guide, and you give me strength, courage and wisdom as I slip into the thick forest of Venus Retrograde.

For all my sisters
who search out truth and enlightenment,
I seek with you.

For all my sisters
who use their gentle touch to heal and nurture,
I praise you.

For all my sisters
who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves,
I sing with you.

For all my sisters
who allowed one to mishandle her heart,
I feel your pain.

For all my sisters
who revel in taking a challenge head on,
I roar with you.

For all my sisters
who celebrate their own transformations,
I am reborn with you.

For all my sisters
who rejoice in their thirst for life,
I drink with you.

For all my sisters
who open their hearts to give and receive light and love,
I see you.

For all my sisters
who protect themselves from darkness,
I salute you.

For all my sisters
who have souls as deep as the ocean,
I dive there with you.

For all my sisters
who yearn for inspiration,
I dream with you.

For all my sisters
who make those dreams happen,
I work with you.

For all my sisters
who embrace being in control of their lives,
I take the reins with you.

For all my sisters
who say fuck playing the victim and being helpless,
I own my choices with you.

For all my sisters
who refuse to lie down and be door mats,
I stand with you.

To all my sisters
who are gentle with themselves,
I am your pupil.

To all my sisters
who are gentle with their enemies,
I admire you.

To all my sisters
who know, love and accept themselves,
I am learning to be one of you again.

To all my sisters
scorned who have risen above,
I am on my way to meet you.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

10 Things I've Learned from My (Almost) Two Year Old

My son and I are 35 years apart. I'm supposed to be his teacher, but I think in many ways that is backward. Here are 10 things he's taught me in his short time on earth.

1. The messiest activities are the most fun. 

2. Being naked is better.

3. Swimming can always turn around a bad day. Every time.

4. Children are natural helpers, they want to work with you.

5. You can play hide-and-seek anywhere. Anywhere.

6. Popsicles rock. 

7. Spending an entire day outside can kick insomnia in the you know what.

8. Running through the sprinkler on a hot day is as fun now as it was 30 years ago.

9. Goodnight Moon is actually creepy and disturbing.

10. Life offers a multitude of reasons to clap and giggle every single day. 
(Some of our faves - dogs, sneezing, fake sneezing, wiggling toes, belly buttons, animal sounds especially monkeys and elephants, burping, dancing, jumping, shhh-shing, crunching food, the wind blowing on our faces, walking down the street, car rides, tickling, funny faces, peek-a-boo, yogurt.) 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Best Kinda Tired

There's the kind of tired that you feel from working too much. The kind that grabs hold of you during a midafternoon slump when your coffee has worn off. The one that you experience after you eat too much. Or a couple hours after a particularly good workout. The kind of exhaustion you feel after you've had too many thoughts, or didn't sleep well last night, or pushed yourself for too long without a break.

Then there's the kind of tired I am tonight. The kind that involves a blazing hot sun beaming down through a clear sky. Music, laughter, and friends old and new. The wind carrying the sweet smell of bbq with dogs grinning and people connecting and hearts dancing. Being swished up and down and around by the gentle rocking of the boats' wake, embracing my squealing, laughing, innocent boy who chooses moments, specific in his mind, to stop what he's doing, put his hands on my face and pull me in for a kiss. Throw his arms around my neck and hug me tight, telling me thank you for this wonderful day. We give and accept love. This is how it works.

I am grateful for my freedom. Our freedom.

And I close my eyes, with a smile on my face, feeling blissful and content and full.