Friday, July 31, 2015

A Blue Moon Prayer For All My Sisters

Beautiful orbed ruler of goddesses, I see you in all your silvery glory, ablaze in my soul. I bow down to you tonight letting go of all that has held me back. And gazing up at you with eyes innocent and bright I admire your fierce glow that radiates inside me. Raising my arms with heart thrown wide open, I welcome your magic. You are my loving earth guide, and you give me strength, courage and wisdom as I slip into the thick forest of Venus Retrograde.

For all my sisters
who search out truth and enlightenment,
I seek with you.

For all my sisters
who use their gentle touch to heal and nurture,
I praise you.

For all my sisters
who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves,
I sing with you.

For all my sisters
who allowed one to mishandle her heart,
I feel your pain.

For all my sisters
who revel in taking a challenge head on,
I roar with you.

For all my sisters
who celebrate their own transformations,
I am reborn with you.

For all my sisters
who rejoice in their thirst for life,
I drink with you.

For all my sisters
who open their hearts to give and receive light and love,
I see you.

For all my sisters
who protect themselves from darkness,
I salute you.

For all my sisters
who have souls as deep as the ocean,
I dive there with you.

For all my sisters
who yearn for inspiration,
I dream with you.

For all my sisters
who make those dreams happen,
I work with you.

For all my sisters
who embrace being in control of their lives,
I take the reins with you.

For all my sisters
who say fuck playing the victim and being helpless,
I own my choices with you.

For all my sisters
who refuse to lie down and be door mats,
I stand with you.

To all my sisters
who are gentle with themselves,
I am your pupil.

To all my sisters
who are gentle with their enemies,
I admire you.

To all my sisters
who know, love and accept themselves,
I am learning to be one of you again.

To all my sisters
scorned who have risen above,
I am on my way to meet you.

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